Gobot dozer
Gobot dozer

gobot dozer

If you do watch the Gobots, be warned for some stupidness beyond stupid. Just skip it and watch a proper cartoon show about transforming robots like the Transformers or Robotech.


The Challenge of the Gobots was one of the stupidest cartoon shows on TV in the 80’s. Seriously? A fucking scooter! Which kid would prefer a stupid scooter over a sports car!Īnimationwise the Gobots are from Hanna-Barbera, so production value is very low. The Gobots on the other hand turn into the lamest vehicles possible, like a scooter. The Transformers turned into cool stuff like race cars, trucks, fighter jets, tanks, guns, etc. Because the villain always has an unshaven face, you know. There’s nothing scary or menacing about him, except for his 5 o’clock shadow. If you’re going to portray a good guy, don’t give him yellow teeth! Cy-kill, the leader of the evil Renegades, looks like he’s got anorexia. Leader 1 looks like a slim Homer Simpsons with yellow teeth. If you have a robot in a show it should look high tech, not like low tech garbage. It’s all clunky and without any streamlining. It feels as if the designers had a contest who could come up with the lamest design, and some studio head honcho accidentally approved those designs. There’s nothing cool about the design of the Gobots in robot mode. This cartoon is just too stupid to have anything nice to say about it. Sure, they’re robots and they can transform, but even those things look stupid in the Gobots. The Gobots are just plain stupid - and gay. Watching the Gobots one can understand why. Hanna-Barbera is mostly known for comedic cartoons like the Flintstones and less for their action oriented cartoons. The Gobots are Hanna-Barbera’s lame version of transforming robots.


There was also a lot of different toys, by a lot, we mean this many….The Challenge of the Gobots is a cartoon series about the world’s gayest robots. Unfortunately, unlike Transformers, the GoBots figures came with no distinction once outside the box, they had no markings to show what side they were on which meant you had to watch the show in order to know which GoBot was on which side. The show picks up the story in the midst of this great conflict as the GoBots have taken the fight to planet Earth. But quick to thwart the Renegades were the leftover Guardians, led by the gallant Leader-1. A disgruntled Guardian named Cy-Kill rebelled with a group of followers and formed the domination-bent Renegades to usurp power and threaten the freedom of the planet. The story began on the war torn planet of Gobotron. The GoBots were divided into two classes, “Friendly” and “Enemy”, this was changed to “Guardians” and “Renegades” with the launch of the animated cartoon series ‘Challenge of the GoBots’. Larger figures were then released at around 5-6 inches in height and named ‘Super GoBots’. These first figures were 2-3 inches in height, they transformed into a mixture of different machines, including WW2 fighter aircraft. Tonka released the first batch of toys in 1983 and were actually a reissue of a series of toys originally produced by Popy of Japan, who later became Bandai.


An animated TV show ‘Challenge of the GoBots’ was also released with 66 episodes and then a follow-up movie called GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords. The toy-line was first released in 1983 and ran for four years until its eventual discontinuation in 1987. In the great toy robot wars of the 1980’s there was only one winner, Transformers! While it’s fair to say Transformers dominated the transforming robot toys market, they had stiff competition from the Gobots which pre-dated Transformers by a year.

Gobot dozer